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Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan Labortory

Microbiology and Molecular Genetics and Small Animal Clinical Sciences

 Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine 

Project Highlights

@Bernese Mountain Dog Studies

Histocytic Sarcoma (HS)

Liquid Biopsy Study


Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is an aggressive cancer of macrophages and dendritic cells, and causes significant morbidity and mortality in Bernese Mountain Dogs, among other breeds.  Our studies have provided insights into mutations that are key to this aggressive progression. We are excited to launch our liquid biopsy research to detect specific mutations in the blood of Berners with histiocytic sarcoma, based on our pioneering studies. This will greatly facilitate monitoring of treatments as well as, in the future, early diagnosis of histiocytic sarcoma and eventually other cancers, helping us to implement effective therapies. This is supported by the Berner-Garde Foundation and will not incur any costs to the participants.

Please click here if you would like to participate in this study.

@Bernese Mountain Dog Studies

BMD DNA and Tumor Repository


With the help of the Berner community and support from the Berner Garde Foundation and the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America, we have established an extensive DNA and Tumor Repository. Going forward, we will be adding to the Repository only samples that are part of a specific project. Therefore samples from both the clinical trial and the liquid biopsy project will be added to the Repository as they become available. 

@Bernese Mountain Dog Studies

Clinical Trial for HS:

Multi-center Phase II trial evaluating trametinib 


Our team was the first to show that histiocytic sarcoma was responsive to treatment with trametinib, a drug that specifically targets the pathway that drives tumor development in histiocytic sarcoma. We are delighted to bring this treatment to Bernese Mountain Dogs and other dogs with histiocytic sarcoma after showing that it is safe and determining the maximal tolerated dose. This is a multi-institutional study, funded by the Morris Animal Foundation, with support from the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of America. The clinical trial is led jointly by Drs. Marila Takada (at University of Florida, U) and Dr. Vilma Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan (Michigan State University, MSU).  Clinical trials will be ongoing at Michigan State University, University of Florida, University of Wisconsin and Virgina Tech.  


Please click here if you would like to participate. 

@Canine Genetic Disorders

Newfoundland Forelimb Anomaly: NFA

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In Newfoundland dogs, a type of chondrodysplasia leads to deformity of the elbow joint. The disease does not appear to have a simple inheritance pattern. We are utilizing GWAS as well as long read sequencing of trios of affected dogs and parents to identify loci contributing to this disorder.

Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan Lab

Research in my laboratory focuses on elucidating the molecular basis of genetic diseases as well as cancer genetics, mostly in companion animals, and occasionally extending to zoo animals, which share genetic pressures on their populations similar to those experienced by the companion animal populations, always utilizing a comparative perspective with human medicine. Companion animals, specifically cats and dogs, present spontaneously with many diseases that are of interest to study both to improve their health and well-being as well as to gain insight into key biological and pathological processes that impact humans. The presence of few or no phenocopies in a given breed, presence of large sibships and extended pedigrees and current molecular tools facilitate these studies.


Yuzbasiyan-Gurkan Laboratory


Phone: 517-884-5351

Address: 567 Wilson RD, Room 5144
East Lansing, MI 48824

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